Friday, February 21, 2014

Saving the General


  1. Cody- I liked this because it gave different info about different trees that I didn't know before.

  2. Kimmy: I liked this because it gave alot of facts and alot of that I didn't know!!!

  3. I really like this becuase i never new much things about trees but now i do because it gives a lot of information and good information and great facts i love it -Serena

  4. Raigen- I chose to do this powerpoint on trees to show different info about different trees.

  5. I liked how it could give you different info about different trees that I didn't know before. From Cody.

  6. Serena- I really like this powerpoint on trees because it gave a lot of info about trees and facts about them that I didnt know. Now I know more facts about trees and I think this was really great because it's telling people facts about trees and some people dont know facts about trees and they can learn by looking at this amazing powerpoint.

  7. I read this book and thought it wqas a really good book.

  8. I read the same book as you I think its nice how you included the different trees there are.Jasper

  9. Sarah- I liked this project because it gave you a lot of cool facts about tree's
